CONCA (Conching Machine)

A fundamental element to complete the chocolate transformation process as it removes
the negative “acidity” and any residual humidity, hence maximising the quality of the
transformed product. The mixer, located at the centre of the heated tank, has the task
of continually mixing the chocolate, oxygenating it in order to obtain, within a working
cycle of 8 to12 hours, a homogeneous and flawless mixture. The processing program can
be personalised by the operator. The machine’s frontal touch screen has four distinct
categories: duration, temperature, emulsion intensity and oxygenation via a variable flow of air
- Tank capacity: 60 kgs.
- Conching time: 8-12 hours.
- Dim.: cm 67 x 80 x 115 Ht.
- Power: 230V/50Hz/1Ph – 3.5 kW