Pasteurisers & Pasteurisers Cum Ageing Vats

Simplicity, safety, hygiene & performance are four words that can sum up Carpigiani pasteurisers. With capacities from 7 litres upto 180 litres, these rugged machines satisfy most stand-alone ice-cream parlour’s mix treatment requirements. Safety can’t be an impediment on the path to realising your dreams. All machines are HACCP compliant.

Pasto 60 XPL/P & 120 XPL/P
- Simple electronic controls.
- Electric/water blackout protection (Restarts pasteurising in case of long blackout)
- Low Homoginisation Q-5Micron size

Pastomaster 60 HE /60 HE P/ 120 HE / 180 RTL
- Advanced software & technology.
- Suck & throw system to obtain ‘low homogenisation’.
- Refrigerated spigot for maximum product hygiene.
- Centrifugal pump with seven speeds for mixing as well for mix transfer (into ageing vats).
- 60 HE is also designed to prepare fruit, cream & chocolate pastes for flavouring ice-creams & to prepare a few pastry products such as Panna Cotta, Bavarian cream, Zabaoine sauce etc.
- 60 HE P is equipped with a more powerful motor that can handle mixes with higher viscosity, fats & solids.
- Electric/water blackout protection (Restarts pasteurising in case of long blackout)
- Two processing zones in 180 RTL (single well).